Did you know that your subconscious forms an opinion of someone in just 7 seconds.
That’s why first impressions really do count. If you want to be the boss one day you need to address YOURSELF.
It is all about perception. If you consciously dress and act like the boss then people are more likely to visualise you doing that role in the future. So even when you feel like having a casual day, don’t let that carry into the office if you really want to be taken seriously.
ALWAYS wear a collar. You can ditch the tie for a slightly more casual look roll up your sleeves if need be, but always have some kind of a collar present in your outfit. Be it a suit jacket over a top or just a simple shirt. A collar means business.
LOOK at what your boss wears and better it. If your boss comes in wearing a badly fitting suit, make sure yours is totally dapper. Don’t be scared to mix and match. A nice sports jacket with a different trouser will show you have an eye on fashion and still look smart. Keep it clean and classic. If you want a splash of colour, chuck in a pocket square.
BELIEVE one day you will be the boss. Its no good just dressing sharp, your attitude and presence must display these qualities too. If YOU don’t believe you can be, neither will anyone else! Self- belief is key. Find yourself a successful mentor who will keep encouraging you and give you advice and support.
BUILD your army from within. Ask questions to find what makes people tick. Be the ‘go to’ person for resolving issues. Talk to them, take a real interest and get them to open up to you. You will then have the upper hand in influencing situations (strength in numbers). Even set up an employee forum to galvanise ideas and gain trust.
FIND out as much as you can about the company you work for. Tell staff things that are happening so that they see you as the font of all knowledge and come to you regularly for information. You will be surprised how quickly word spreads, when the secretary lets slip to the CEO that you know more than they do about the price of their shares!
SET yourself a deadline. When I joined the company I work for I said I would be Director within 5 years, I beat my own target and did it in 3. Without a deadline to work towards you will fail to take the necessary steps needed towards getting there. Write an action plan and always dream BIG.
TAKE steps every day towards your goal. Keep chipping away. Think outside the box and try to implement even small changes within the workplace. They may seem trivial, but if you are the person who looks to innovate regularly then one day you will be the natural choice for that next promotion. NEVER give up, if you want it that badly it will happen and remember – you don’t need the title of manager to be a leader.